Recap: Kick-off Meeting in February 2024 in Halle (Saale), Germany

At the beginning of 2024, we officially started our project with a kick-off meeting at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

During three intensive days, we developed the road map for the upcoming months and we connected our project to fellow researchers working on the collection and analysis of vegetation re-survey data.

Marta Gaia Sperandii introduced her project on the long-term trends and effectiveness of protected areas across Europe (Masaryk University, Czech Republic).

Klara Klinkovská presented here work on diversity trends in grasslands of the Czech Republic (Masaryk University)

Lena Hartman introduced here master thesis on the influence of large-scale versus local factors on vegetation trends in Germany.

Adam Clark introduced the GRAssland Communities Experiment (GRACE): 300 years of insight from a large-scale natural experiment.

Our kick-off meeting was kindly sponsored by the city of Halle, department of economics, science and digitalization.